Hunter New England Central Coast Parents and Practitioners – MERTIL for Parents: Click here to Register or Login

Everybody else – MERTIL for Parents: Click here

Watch the MERTIL and MERTIL for Parents Webinar Recordings here

MERTIL: Courses

MERTIL is an Australian-first program, created by infant trauma experts, Professor Jennifer McIntosh, and Professor Louise Newman, and a team of specialists.

MERTIL: Online training in recognition of and response to early relational trauma

Commence the full MERTIL course with access to an extended library of resources for only

MERTIL offers training in the recognition of early trauma in the parent-child relationship, stemming from parent mental illness, grief, family violence, substance abuse, and related experiences. Moreover, MERTIL teaches options for effective immediate response by frontline services.

Mini MERTIL: An Introduction to Early Relational Trauma

Mini MERTIL synthesizes the original and acclaimed 12 hour MERTIL course, now completed by over 1600 Early Childhood Practitioners.

Developed by infant trauma experts Professor Jennifer McIntosh and Professor Louise Newman and a team of specialists, this 2 hour online course offers an introduction to the recognition of early trauma in the parent-child relationship. This form of trauma can stem from parent mental illness, grief, family violence, substance abuse, and related experiences.

Why you should do MERTIL

Suitable for…

Family and Child Health Nurses
Home visitors
Social Workers
Family Support Workers
Child Protection Workers
Infant Mental Health Workers
General Practitioners
Allied Professions

If you’ve ever asked yourself…

How can I help these parents form stronger relationships with their baby?
What would be most helpful for these parents to hear about their baby’s development right now?
What really easy strategies would help these parents connect with their baby?
When should I think about more formal intervention?
What would make these parents really “see” this baby?
How can I explain the importance of being present for the baby?

MERTIL: A course for
Early Childhood Services
frontline workers

MERTIL offers training in the recognition of early trauma in the parent-child relationship, stemming from parent mental illness, grief, family violence, substance abuse, and related experiences. Moreover, MERTIL teaches options for effective immediate response by frontline services.

Mini MERTIL: An Introduction to
Early Relational Trauma

Mini MERTIL offers those working in frontline services the perfect introduction to identifying early relational trauma in infants, as well as being a refresher course for those who have completed the full MERTIL Course.