Hunter New England Central Coast Parents and Practitioners – MERTIL for Parents: Click here to Register or Login

Everybody else – MERTIL for Parents: Click here

Watch the MERTIL and MERTIL for Parents Webinar Recordings here

About the “MERTIL Victorian MCH Services” course:

The MERTIL course was initially developed for frontline staff and students in Victorian Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services. MERTIL focuses on recognition of early signs of relational trauma, to aid prevention through rapid and sensitive response.


The MERTIL and Mini MERTIL courses and the Resource Library will remain available to the Victorian MCH Services as follows:


1. At no cost to all MCHNs currently enrolled in MERTIL. Applicable only to MCHNs employed at Victorian LGAs. Access available for as long as an MCHN is employed by a Victorian LGA.  


2. MERTIL is free for all MCH students enrolled at La Trobe University. MERTIL is $75 (ex GST) for MCH students at RMIT and Federation University. Access available until 31 Dec of the enrolment year.


3. MERTIL is available for $75 (ex GST) for MCHN staff employed at a Victorian LGA after 2020. Access available for as long as an MCHN is employed by a Victorian LGA.



You need to be enrolled to make the most of this. How?


MCH Coordinators: The MERTIL Trainings now live at The Bouveire Centre, La Trobe University. Please contact the MERTIL team if you wish to enrol staff in the program:


MCHNs: If you need access to the MERTIL course please contact your MCH Coordinator. If you have moved LGAs and have not yet sent us your new work email address please forward this us:

All Vic MCH Students: Once uni starts, please ask your course coordinator for access instructions or ask them to contact us:

By staying registered, you can revisit the MERTIL and Mini MERTIL courses at any time!



MERTIL Victorian MCH Services 2020 Course

The MERTIL Vic MCH Services course includes Victorian specific policy content and is only applicable to Victorian LGA staff currently employed as MCHNs (Universal and Enhanced), and La Trobe Uni, RMIT and Federation Uni MCH Students enrolled in the current year.

Included in your access is the 3 hr Mini MERTIL Refresher course and the Resource Library


MERTIL aims to:


  • Build capacity for earliest detection of relational trauma
  • Extend skills and enhance confidence in response to early relational trauma
  • Enhance prevention of complex sequelae for parents and infant

Course outline

The MERTIL Vic MCH Services course operates as an online, self-paced learning portal, and includes 8 learning chapters (approx 12 hours), a 2 hr Mini MERTIL Refresher course best undertaken 6-12 months after completion of the full course, and access to an extensive Resource Library.

  • Chapter 1:Development in a Relational Context
  • Chapter 2:The Significance of Attachment Relationships
  • Chapters 3, 4 and 5:Understanding Trauma in Parents, Infants and Pre-schoolers
  • Chapter 6:Conversation and Intervention
  • Chapters 7 and 8:Principles of Trauma Interventions

Each chapter contains a post-learning quiz and evaluation.

Taken from the MERTIL program, we have put together a 2-hr MERTIL online refresher course (Mini MERTIL). Our research with 540 nurses demonstrated clear advantage of completion of this refresher course 12 months after the initial MERTIL training

The online library also contains a variety of resources, including:

  • Fact sheets, resources, articles and videos
  • Links, networks, associations and conferences
  • Podcasts with national and international experts
  • Recorded Q&A webinars and case consultations

CPD certificates are available for the full course and/or each chapter.

The Victorian MCHN sector’s participation in MERTIL was funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

Learning time: 12 hours

Language: English

Suitable for:
Victorian MCH Service Staff
Victorian MCH Nursing Students

MCH Coordinators:

The MERTIL course* is only

$75 excl GST/new staff member

*includes Mini MERTIL and the Library.

If you are interested in purchasing the MERTIL course for your MCHN staff, please contact us.

Why you should do MERTIL

Suitable for…

Family and Child Health Nurses
Home visitors
Social Workers
Family Support Workers
Child Protection Workers
Infant Mental Health Workers
General Practitioners
Allied Professions

If you’ve ever asked yourself…

How can I help these parents form stronger relationships with their baby?
What would be most helpful for these parents to hear about their baby’s development right now?
What really easy strategies would help these parents connect with their baby?
When should I think about more formal intervention?
What would make these parents really “see” this baby?
How can I explain the importance of being present for the baby?

MERTIL: A course for
Early Childhood Services
frontline workers

MERTIL offers training in the recognition of early trauma in the parent-child relationship, stemming from parent mental illness, grief, family violence, substance abuse, and related experiences. Moreover, MERTIL teaches options for effective immediate response by frontline services.

Mini MERTIL: An Introduction to
Early Relational Trauma

Mini MERTIL offers those working in frontline services the perfect introduction to identifying early relational trauma in infants, as well as being a refresher course for those who have completed the full MERTIL Course.

Further Information

For further information on the course and group discounts, get in touch with the MERTIL team via our online contact form